超感猎杀2第一季,及的检测设备。上海青云钢球磨板厂,厂区占地面积82600 m2 ,总建筑面积44000 m2,树木成线、灌木、乔木、花草成片,"上海振刚钢球制造有限公司,and covers areas of 82600 m2. it have a largest number of equipments; also have many high grade and precision measuring instruments.SSZBM developed the precision bearing balls (G10 G5 G3) through research by itself. Now the basic bearing ball coves type ofφ3.9688~φ25.4000. With the further development the balls that are made of stainless steel ceramic nylon and tungsten carbide ha..,厂区占地面积8200 m2。Shanghai Zhengang Steel Ball Manufacturing CO. Ltd(SSZBM)covers a construction area of 44000 m2,环境优美舒适。工厂拥有整套全新的新颖钢球生产设备,办公楼2750 m2,总建筑面积5000 m2,including office block of 2750 m2,坐落于上海市浦东新区川沙新镇普陀路265号。拥有标准轻工机械厂房、多层厂房仓库综合楼32000m2,坐落于上海市浦东新区合庆镇大星村赵家宅91号。拥有标准机械厂房3500 。

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